Sunday, December 6, 2009

This week was, as I am sure it was for everybody else, very stressful. Long hours in the shop/lab, along with the stress of deadlines and trying to perfect our designs, have made it by far the toughest of the class thus far. The end is very near, though, and we are very excited about it. Seeing all of the parts we've been working on finally come together into a functioning assembly is extremely rewarding. We had to make several last minute modifications to allow our design to come together effectively. That involved making some purchases outside of our kit, including some 3/4" aluminum square stock and some clear plastic tubing to couple our motor to our lead screw mechanism. Overall, though, our team came together and were very efficient in finishing up our project. We will have very minor modifications to complete before officially turning our machine in for competition, but on the whole we are happy with how everything came out and are excited to see how we will do. Here are some pictures of our nearly finished machine:

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